Edina, MN is a premier community, with great schools and parks, quality housing stock, and exceptional city services.
Question of the Week:
What is your Favorite Summer Beach in the Minneapolis, MN Area?
Edina, MN is a premier community, with great schools and parks, quality housing stock, and exceptional city services. Each week, I poll open house visitors about real estate matters. I also poll friends and family online at my Josh Sprague, Realtor Facebook Fan Page and Josh Sprague Twitter Page. The top answer to my question of the week is posted to my Josh Sprague Real Estate Blog, as well as on Edina Vlog: MN Real Estate Video Blog. Be sure to to check out my Edina, MN Homes for Sale Page and my Search MLS Listings Page.
Top Answer:
Cedar Lake’s First Point Beach in Minneapolis; Lake Calhoun’s Thomas Beach in Minneapolis.
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Josh specializes in helping buyers and sellers navigate the competitive market of Edina Luxury Homes.